Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Save the Date

The extremely informative and elegantly composed "Save the Date" cards are now expediently making their way to mail boxes near you. OK, thats not entirely true. I just really got into that whole alliterating modifiers thing. The cards have been sent. The only solid piece of information we have right now is the dates. As for activities we are still open for suggestions. There will most likely be some sort of open house, and of course there will be some food (because at SEFC, fellowship = eating). There has been rumors of some sort of "preach-off" but I'm not sure what that all entails. There is definite room for suggestions, so feel free to comment here, drop an email or just yell real loud.

Also, we tried to collect as many names and addresses as possible, but I am sure we must have missed a few folks here and there. So tell your friends and family or anyone else for that matter. It would be greatly appreciated.

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